Weichsel weiterführende Literatur

WeichselInteressierte finden hier eine Auswahl an weiterführender Literatur zum Thema

Abid S, et al.: Immunomodulatory studies of a bioactive fraction from the fruit of Prunus cerasus in BALB/c mice. Int Immunopharmacol 2012;12:626.


Adamson M W: Food in medieval times. Greenwood Publishing Group 2004.


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Ahmad I, et al.: A review on sour cherry (Prunus cerasus): A high value Unani medicinal fruit. International Journal of Green Pharmacy (IJGP)2017;11(1):1.


Ahmed S, et al.: Urolithiasis management and treatment: Exploring historical vistas of Greco-arabic contribution. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2016;5(5):167.


Ashassi-Sorkhabi H, et al.: The inhibition of steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution by juice of Prunus cerasus. Int J Electrochem Sci 2006;(1):92.


Baharvand-Ahmadi B, et al.: Overview of medicinal plants used for cardiovascular system disorders and diseases in ethnobotany of different areas in Iran. Journal of HerbMed Pharmacology 2016;5(1):39.


Bahmani M, et al.: Identification of medicinal plants for the treatment of kidney and urinary stones. Journal of renal injury prevention 2016;5(3):129.


Bak I, et al.: Isolation and Analysis of Bioactive Constituents of Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Seed

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Basheer M, et al.: Melatonin vs. phytomelatonin: Therapeutic uses with special reference to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Cogent Biology 2016;2(1):1136257.


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Bhatia A, et al.: Plica Neuropathica (Polonica) – A Matter of Faith. Int J Sci Stud 2014;2(2):91.


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Blando F, et al.: Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L) anthocyanins as ingredients for functional foods. BioMed Research International 2004;5:253.


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Davis K. Tart cherry juice consumption reduces blood pressure in older adults. University of Delaware, 2016.


De Clercq W, et al.: Living in times of war: waste of c. 1600 from two garderobe chutes in the castle of Middelburg-in-Flanders (Belgium). Post-medieval Archaeology 2007;41(1):1.


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Drobnik J, et al.: Timeline and bibliography of early isolations of plant metabolites (1770–1820) and their impact to pharmacy: A critical study. Fitoterapia 2016;115:155.


Egea T, et al.: Traditional alcoholic beverages and their value in the local culture of the Alta Valle del Reno, a mountain borderland between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 2016;12(1):27.




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Hughes R E: Agricultural Development and Dietary Change in Switzerland from the Hallstatt (800 BCE) to the Rise of the Carolingian Dynasty (754 CE). Diss. State University of New York at Buffalo 2016.


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Kim D-O, et al.: Sweet and sour cherry phenolics and their protective effects on neuronal cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2005;53(26):9921.


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